Welcome to Free Chat

Be cautious of people asking for money or personal favors as they might be scammers.

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Teeming with life at all hours of the day or night, no matter the time zone or the distance, you can always expect to chat with strangers in our main free chat room. Free Chat is a public chat room that you can also chat privately in. Engage with your friends in a traditional text chat, or step it up a knotch with audio and video. 123 Free Chat's Free Chat room lives to its name.

Free Chat is an all-ages chat room for people from all over the world to sign in and chat. Free Chat has around 600-700 users during peak hours and is moderated. You can expect to see people sharing their stories and having fun and family friendly chats. Our free chat community is one of a kind and it's one of the most welcoming communities online today.

Free Chat Overview

  • Ages permitted: 16+
  • Types of topics: General, Casual
  • Genders permitted: Male, Female, Others
  • Online since: June 12, 2024
  • WebRTC Compatibility: WebRTC: Checking...
  • Moderation Type?: Human, AI
  • Typical # of Users: <50
  • Locations permitted: USA, UK, Global
  • Radio Status: Checking...
  • Websocket Compatibility: WebSockets: Checking...

Free Chat Rules & Guidelines

  • Share only lawful and respectful content.
  • Any material involving minors, whether real or fictional, is strictly forbidden.
  • Do not depict or promote bestiality, incest, sexual violence, extreme brutality, or gruesome material.
  • Avoid engaging in or promoting racism, sexism, or any form of discrimination.
  • Keep personal and others' contact details confidential; do not disclose any identifying information.
  • Respect copyright and privacy laws; do not share content you do not own or have rights to.
  • Foster a respectful atmosphere; do not harass other users in any manner.
  • Respect user privacy; do not attempt to contact someone who has blocked or ignored you.
  • Sharing private conversations or media without all parties' consent is prohibited.
  • Impersonating other users, staff, or any individuals is not allowed.
  • Avoid spamming or flooding the chat with repetitive messages or content.
  • Refrain from any cyber-attacks or actions that disrupt the service or another user’s experience.
  • Communicate in English only for clarity and consistency.
  • Do not engage in transactions involving money, credit, or other forms of currency for goods or services.
  • Do not promote or engage in illegal activities or the use of illegal substances.
  • Avoid posting content that could disturb or upset others without proper warnings.
  • Do not misuse the reporting or flagging system to unjustly target other users.
  • Participation in or promotion of piracy, including sharing links to pirated content, is not permitted.
  • Ensure all discussions and shared content align with the community's thematic and ethical standards.

you can click here for the full rules list.